Undergirded: Sending a Church-Based Team

John’s church had always been supportive of missions. They sent teams to serve on short-term projects, and they gave generously toward global outreach.

But John felt called to more. He wanted to go and live in the Muslim world. He shared his burden with leaders at his church and asked them to consider sending him long-term to share the Gospel among Muslims.

John and a couple from his church, Christopher and Mandy, connected with Frontiers and completed part of their pre-field training. Then, their church sent John and Christopher to spend two weeks visiting teams in the Middle East.

At the end of their trip, John and Christopher felt ready to commit to joining one of the Frontiers teams they visited.

But as they prayed, they felt God speak clearly to them.

“Don’t join this team just yet,” they sensed from the Lord. “I want you to be sent as part of a whole team from your church.”

They had never considered forming as a team made up entirely of people from their home fellowship. But after returning from the Middle East, they started asking their church leaders what it would take to send a church-based team. They began dialoguing with Frontiers Church-Based Team [CBT] department. And with Frontiers’ coaching and support, the church developed a strategic vision for global outreach and came up with a plan of action.

This three-way partnership—between church, team, and Frontiers CBT department—has built a foundation of support to help John, Christopher, Mandy, and their team thrive on the field.

“What we love about Frontiers CBT department,” says their pastor, “is the way they come alongside us and attend to important things. They have helped and equipped us. We’ve learned so much by the way they undergird us.”

With the help of Frontiers staff, the church has successfully trained and sent their first church-based team. And they are already training a second team to be sent to the Muslim world.


Let’s discover how we can partner together to help your church reach Muslim communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ!

No matter the size of your church, we’re eager to help you fulfill the vision God has given you for the Muslim world.

Click the button below to contact Church-Based Teams.



**Names and places have been changed for security.**

Main photo by Warren Wong

Original article: https://www.frontiersusa.org/blog/article/undergirded

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