Finding New Life in a Taxi

On a busy morning filled with appointments and other responsibilities, I introduced myself to my taxi driver then decided to use the 25-minute ride to have quiet time with the Lord.

As I read from John 11, verse 25 struck me: “Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” This is amazing news, especially for those who fear death, as many Muslims in my city do.

Looking up from the passage in John, I wondered if my driver, Samar, had ever heard this truth. “He needs this good news,” I thought.

Another voice whispered, “You know he probably wouldn’t want to hear this.”

Before giving that doubt a chance to take root, I leaned forward and asked, “Samar, have you ever heard these words?” Then I read John 11:25 to him.

“Amazing!” he responded. “Who said that?”

“Jesus the Messiah,” I replied. “Have you heard of him?”

“Yes,” he said. “But I don’t know anything about him.”

I’m always amazed to find people who know nothing about our Savior. I told my taxi driver God’s story from creation to the cross. I shared that whoever repents and believes in Jesus will be saved (Mark 16:16).

Samar asked me questions about God, His Word, and whether we must all pray five times a day.

In the midst of the conversation, he shared how his uncle had once told him something that he had never forgotten: that God is more interested in our hearts than in whether we do all the religious requirements.

Just as we were about to arrive at my destination, Samar asked, “Are you saying that if I repent and believe in God’s gift of Jesus, I can be forgiven of my sins?”

I assured him that he would be. Something inside me doubted that this Muslim man would be ready to take a bold step so quickly, but I asked anyway. “Would you like to do that?”

“Yes,” he said. And there in his taxi, he repented of his sins and put his trust in the only way of salvation—Jesus Christ.

Before I stepped out of the taxi and hurried to my next appointment, we discovered that we are neighbors. My team and I have since connected with him, shared the Jesus Film, and are encouraging him to grow in his new faith through the Word. We’re celebrating the eternal life our new brother has found in Christ.


  • Pray that Samar’s faith and witness will continually grow.
  • Ask God to continue to spark conversations between field workers and Muslims whose hearts are open to the Gospel.
  • Praise God for his desire to see people of all nations come to faith in Jesus.

**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.**

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