Our elderly Muslim neighbor Ghalia prays fervently throughout the day, asking God to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
She implores in tears, because it’s Ramadan—the holy month of fasting that is so dear to her heart—and yet all the mosques are still closed due to social distancing. This Ramadan is turning out to be unlike any other she’s ever experienced.
Generations of families live together here. Our younger friends worry about their aging parents. Adult sons and daughters must decide whether to stop working and lose income—or to come home every day knowing they’ve potentially exposed the people they love most.
In every family we know, parents like Ghalia are afraid when their loved ones walk out the door and head into the world.
An elderly man who lives on our street stopped me a couple of weeks ago as I passed by his home on my way to get groceries. He was curious about the severity of the virus. I explained to him the reality of outcomes for people with specific vulnerabilities and risk factors. His countenance fell as he realized he fit into each risk category I named.
These days feel uncertain for us—maybe like they do for you.
Yet we are thankful to be here during this time. We’re finding creative ways to serve Muslims in our community and to point them to Christ who is victorious over every fear. We are making the best of a situation that we hadn’t anticipated. Like many of you.
We are thankful for the extra space to slow down and be intentional to invest in our family, in our marriage, in our health. Like many of you.
We are thankful for an invitation to be still, to reset our focus, and to re-fix our gaze on the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Like many of you.
As you pray for your family and friends, your community and the country, would you pray for ours as well?
Because, brothers and sisters, we’re in this together.
- Pray that fearful Muslims like Ghalia will have hearts open to the message of Jesus, who overcomes every fear and anxiety.
- Pray for believers around the world to remain steadfast in prayer as they serve their communities and proclaim Christ as Lord and King.
- Cry out to God for an end to the spread of the coronavirus—in your community, in Muslim communities, and across the globe—and ask God to help leaders take wise action.
This account comes from a long-term worker.
Original article: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/were-in-this-together