Nafissa became a follower of Christ against her family’s wishes.
As a new believer, she started going to a nearby Muslim village for weekly Bible study and prayer with a group of Jesus followers. The small gathering had been started by Mamadou, a Muslim-background believer who was partnering in the Gospel with a Frontiers team.
At one of their gatherings, Nafissa told the other believers about Alian, her nephew. Years earlier, Alian had been a student at the university in the capital city, where he studied English and Arabic.
But then one day, Alian seemingly lost his mind.
His family tried all kinds of remedies to heal Alian. They forced him to wear amulets to ward off evil spirits and attempted to cure him with traditional medicine.
But none of it worked, and Alian’s mental condition deteriorated to the point where he would take off all his clothes and walk around town naked.
Nafissa asked her fellow believers to pray for Alian. So every Friday, Mamadou and a few others joined her in visiting the family and praying for the young man.
After two years, Alian’s family felt so discouraged that they gave up hope that he would ever recover.
“Please take him away from us,” they said to Nafissa and Mamadou.
They took Alian to the home of another believer who agreed to welcome him in. Faithfully the followers of Jesus gathered every day to pray for the young man.
Two weeks later, Alian woke up completely recovered. Seeing him fully restored, Nafissa and the other believers praised God and explained to Alian how Jesus had healed him. He then committed his life to follow Christ and has been sharing his testimony with the rest of his family.
- Praise God for healing Alian through the persistent prayer of His saints who do not give up!
- Pray that Alian’s testimony of miraculous restoration will turn the hearts of his Muslim family members to Christ.
- Ask the Lord to give Muslim-background believers boldness to share the Gospel, proclaim the power of Jesus, and pray for healing.
**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.**
Original article: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/prayers-wont-give-up