Our Slowly Unfolding Story


Our slowly unfolding story has finally blossomed into an opportunity that almost seems too good to be true.

We are going to the field.

This summer, we will be in the land that God has called us to—the land of our hearts.

Heading into this adventure, we see that God hasn’t just opened a tiny crack we can wedge our family through—He has swung open a door for us into a wondrous opportunity.

We have the chance to join an amazing team. Together, we share a vision to launch a disciple-making movement within an unengaged Muslim people group. We’ll get to grow in prayer, and we hope to see Jesus Christ shine through our witness.

Isn’t it just like our lavish Father to give us more than we could ever have hoped for?

The move does come with a cost. We will have to leave our home and community. We will say goodbye to friends, family, and the comforts of life in America.

But more than anything, we want to follow Jesus Christ to the place where He has called us. We don’t have to go. We get to. And every sacrifice comes back with a rich return.

As we move into our weakness, we get to see more of His power. We get to learn from all we’ve experienced and start afresh. We get to.

God took us through a long season of waiting before opening up this opportunity for us. But He took that waiting and returned to us an open door: an exciting new chapter for us in His story in the Muslim world.

As the door opens, we can’t do anything but follow Him.

We don’t have to. We get to.

And our hearts can’t contain our wonder.

  • Thank God for launching this Frontiers couple into their long-awaited opportunity.
  • Pray that this team will have many chances to share Jesus Christ with Muslims.
  • Pray for open doors for workers to go to the least-reached places, and pray they will step forward with courage and confidence.

Original article: FrontiersUSA.org/blog/article/our-slowly-unfolding-story

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