Northeast Africa

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Unengaged Muslim people groups live in different regions all over the world. Each people group is unique, and every region faces varying needs, challenges, and cultural differences.

One region with high concentrations of unengaged Muslim people groups is Northeast Africa.


Northeast Africa is home to hundreds of unengaged Muslim people groups that have no known witnesses for Christ and no one trying to reach them with the Gospel.

The countries of Northeast Africa aren’t easy places to live in. It’s a hot, dry, and dusty region that experiences some of the most extreme poverty in the world due to political instability and ethnic conflict. The lack of water impacts health and agriculture. Illiteracy and famine continue to be widespread, too.

However, in the midst of these challenges, God is at work, unfolding His incredible plan for the people of this region.

Even in the most remote corners of the Northeast Africa, God’s love is being poured out among those who are hardest to reach.

Join us in the wonderful calling to bring the Gospel to the unengaged Muslim people groups of Northeast Africa.


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