Shackled to his bed in the small jail cell, Hadi wrestled with God.
“I haven’t done anything wrong!” he cried out in the silence. “Why am I here?”
But as a Muslim-background believer in a conservative Islamic country, Hadi knew the answer. He remembered the words of the Apostle Peter: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 4:12–13)
For months, Hadi had been studying the Bible with Matt, a long-term Frontiers worker who had introduced him to Jesus. “We’re guaranteed to suffer for His glory,” Matt had said. He also pointed Hadi to John 15:20, where Jesus says that if they persecuted Him, they will also persecute His followers.
“But Christ also promises He’ll never leave us,” Matt continued. “And He promises peace that can’t be shaken.”
Sitting chained to the prison bed’s metal frame, Hadi recalled the series of events that had led up to his arrest. After embracing Jesus’ words, Hadi had shared his faith openly. He had even started a Bible study with several coworkers.
But his boss ridiculed Hadi’s faith and publicly berated him for betraying Islam. He threatened that if Hadi continued sharing the Gospel in the workplace, he’d face repercussions.
These threats unsettled Hadi, but they didn’t rob him of peace. So he kept sharing the Good News.
Then his boss falsely accused Hadi of embezzlement and had him arrested.
In the dark quiet of his cell, Hadi thought of the handful of other Muslim-background believers he knew in his city. Some had been rejected by their families, divorced by spouses, and cut off from their children. Others had lost jobs. One young believer was in hiding due to a recent death threat from family members.
But even in the pain of persecution, these believers held onto the assurance that Christ is their source of life and peace.
Hadi started praying for these believing friends. In doing so, his faith was strengthened. And filled with unshakable joy, he started to sing.
On his fifth day in prison, Hadi was moved into a cell with twelve other men. Among them were Islamic extremists. Hadi’s bunkmate, Tarek, was a convicted murderer.
Hadi felt nervous around these men. Still, he kept singing.
Tarek eventually asked him why he sang. Hadi described God’s love fulfilled in Jesus Christ. After hearing this, Tarek shared that he had felt an aching hope warm his chest and ease the pain he had long tried to stifle through anger and violence. He pressed Hadi to tell him more about Jesus.
After several days of hearing the Gospel, Tarek confessed his faith in Christ. The inmates also started praying together and discussing Bible stories.
Then after five weeks of imprisonment, the court cleared Hadi of wrongdoing. He was released—and promptly fired from his job. Since then, his former employer has hindered Hadi’s efforts to find a new job.
But Hadi isn’t discouraged. He knows his suffering isn’t wasted. God is using it to advance His Kingdom.
“During my first days in prison, I felt afraid and angry at God for allowing me to be arrested,” Hadi told Matt. “But He put me there to reach others—like Tarek who heard the Gospel and gave his life to Christ.”
Hadi knows he’ll face more persecution soon enough. But he also knows that when persecution comes, God’s love will sustain him with peace and joy.
- Pray for Hadi’s ministry to flourish in spite of persecution.
- Ask God to use believers like Hadi to catalyze movements of faith that reach entire communities.
- Pray that imprisoned Muslims like Tarek will hear the Gospel and embrace the peace of Christ.
- Ask the Lord to lead Frontiers workers to Muslims who are ready to follow Jesus, make disciples, and plant churches.
**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.**
Original article: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/imprisoned-for-a-purpose/