Happy Easter from Frontiers

When we lived in Iraq, Easter morning meant a lot to our family. Our kids colored Easter eggs; Jan and I would hide them for an old-fashioned Easter egg hunt.

Our Muslim neighbors showed great respect by visiting us on Easter Day. That was always interesting. Guests would start coming in the afternoon, and we would set out candies and hot tea for them. In fact, our guests would bless us, saying, “May your holiday be blessed,” and “May your family be blessed.” It still feels good to remember those blessings.

Easter was also a lonesome time, far from family and familiar friends. We were greatly comforted by the new friends we made among fellow missionary families that lived nearby.

One year, a colonel in the US military invited us to Easter worship. Our kids got to ride in the back of a Humvee. They found that pretty exciting. A chaplain landed in a helicopter and greeted all of us before the service, which was conducted outdoors. It was thrill to sing “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” with members of our armed forces.

The chaplain shared a picture of Easter that I have never forgotten. I feel its power and goodness even now. He described to us a painting of a game of chess, hanging on the wall of an art gallery. The painting is called “Checkmate” because it shows the end of a game. The king has been captured and the game is over.

One day a chess master visits the gallery and he sees the painting. He examines it, then, suddenly, he shouts, “That’s wrong! That’s not true! It’s not over! The king has another move!”

In the story of the resurrection, Jesus Christ had breathed his last. He had been buried. His enemies had won. Checkmate.

Then came the totally unexpected. It wasn’t over. The king had another move.

We are Frontiers; with love and respect we invite all Muslims to follow Jesus. Sometimes our workers are lonesome, and sometimes they are discouraged. Pray for them today, that they might have Easter faith to remember God has been good. We have victories to celebrate. We have some stories of Muslims coming to faith in Jesus, our resurrected Lord.

Watch and pray in the days ahead, because the King has another move to make in the Muslim world.


Original article: www.frontiersusa.org/blog/article/happy-easter-from-frontiers

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