Amazing things are happening in our Muslim country.
We live in a city that is known as a major theological center of Islam. Years ago when we first moved to the country, God gave our team a vision to see Him move right here in the heart of Islam—and to see the rest of the world impacted as a result.
Now we’re witnessing that vision coming to life.
Tayeb was one of the first people who joyfully responded to the Gospel. As we prayed with him and coached him, he started sharing the message of Christ with his family and neighbors. Soon he had a small group of new Muslim-background believers praising Jesus with him.
Because of his witness, Tayeb has faced persecution and spent time in prison. Seeing his courage in suffering, fellow Muslim-background believers have stepped out in faith to share Jesus even more boldly.
As they spread the Gospel, entire families are turning to Christ and following Him.
Today there are more than 70 Muslim-background believers worshiping Jesus in our city, and that number continues to grow. They meet twice a week in groups of about six people for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.
Some of these faithful believers have already taken the Gospel into a neighboring Muslim country, where their witness has led a dozen people to Jesus Christ.
The magnitude of this situation cannot be overstated. Such a move of the Gospel in a Muslim nation like ours is miraculous. It’s the first time in known history that a church of local believers is forming in this place.
- Please pray for Tayeb and our new brothers and sisters to hold fast to Jesus as they endure tests of faith.
- Pray that this movement to Christ will grow beyond ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and political borders.
- Pray for wisdom for Frontiers teams as they nurture movements of faith and help believers mature in the face of persecution.
**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.**
Original article: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/following-christ-in-the-heart-of-islam