“The Kingdom of God? Oh, I think it’s just a bit north of here,” said the Muslim man at the restaurant table next to us.
The four of us had just landed in this strategic and unengaged city of one million Muslims, asking God one question: “Now that we know You want us to go, is this the place?”
Throughout the trip, we collected what we called Joshua stones: moments big and small when we felt that God was showing us a glimpse of His plan for the future.
We piled up these invisible rocks, just like Joshua did after crossing the Jordan. The Lord had instructed Joshua and his people to build an altar with twelve stones from the river so that they would remember all that He had done for them.
One of these invisible rocks represented the day we met the man we call Cornelius. Everywhere we went during our stay in the city, we asked people about the history of the place. Someone finally said, “You must meet Cornelius. He is a very busy man, but I can arrange half an hour for you. He can tell you everything about our city and our history.”
Cornelius asked the standard question when Western people show up in a city where no Western people live: “Why are you here?”
“We are business people working in Fortune 500 companies in America,” we told him. “We wish to move our families here and to start businesses that will create jobs in your city.”
We also explained that we were people who worship God and follow His ways of peace and reconciliation.
We talked with Cornelius for over an hour. Finally, he smiled and stood up.
“I will tell you about our history,” he said. “But first I should tell you that I am not just a historian; I am the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, and I would like to personally welcome you to our city. Come speak at our meeting tonight. I will introduce you, and you will tell everyone why you are here!”
That evening we met everyone at the Chamber of Commerce. At the end of the meeting, they gave us a carved, wooden boat engraved with the words, “Welcome to Our City.” They even took a photo of us with all the important business people of the city to print in their magazine.
That boat is another Joshua stone, a memorial that reminds us that God longs for this city to know Him—and that He intends for us to be a part of His plan.
Three field worker families now live long-term in that city. Cornelius is not yet a follower of Jesus. But as a generous and God-fearing man, he remains instrumental in opening the doors of opportunity for them to share the Gospel.
Soon, someone in this city might answer, “The Kingdom of God? It’s right here!”
**This account comes was originally published on April 27, 2015. Names and places have been changed for security.**
Original article: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/finding-the-kingdom-in-strategic-cities/