I’m proud of Frontiers workers. They face the same unsettling questions—brought on by the coronavirus outbreak and its physical, emotional, and political effects—that you and I are facing right now.
At the same time, many of them are either cut off from their loved ones in the U.S.—or displaced from the people God called them to serve.
In some unstable regions, Frontiers teams acted quickly and wisely to leave their host countries before borders closed and left them with no exit plans.
Several Frontiers families en route to their adopted countries had to turn around in the middle of their travels. Others made well-informed decisions to leave the field and are now launching social media campaigns to reach the thousands of Muslims searching online for an anchor of hope.
These workers and their families are bravely facing grief and displacement for an unknown period of time.
Meanwhile, as fear and anxiety ripples throughout Muslim communities, many Frontiers teams have stayed and are encountering unprecedented opportunities to proclaim the Gospel.
“We are still on the field,” shared long-term worker Randall last week. “We are here for a purpose.”
Muslims are asking questions about life and death. And Frontiers teams are responding by boldly sharing the everlasting hope and perfect peace of Christ with those who are gripped by fear.
Would you and your family please pray for Frontiers workers—both those who have been displaced and those still on the field?
Here are ways you can pray:
- Thank the Lord for sustaining and providing for Frontiers workers.
- Ask God to help our workers keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, taking every anxious thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
- Pray they will offer comfort to people around them with the same comfort they themselves have received from God (2 Corinthians 1:3–4).
- Ask the Lord to protect Frontiers workers and Muslim families in communities where healthcare systems are insufficiently prepared to respond to the coronavirus.
- Pray that God will use these days of uncertainty to draw even more Muslims to Jesus—that they will stand before the throne and worship Him (Revelation 7:9).
Together may we hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23)!
Original article: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/the-hope-we-profess