As I handed a glass of tea to my Muslim neighbor, I opened my mouth to ask her about her family.
“Here, Mom,” my seven-year-old, Moriah, interrupted as she walked into our living room and handed me a copy of the New Testament in the local language. “Why don’t you read the Bible to her?”
I smiled awkwardly at my daughter and said, “Thank you?”
Reading the Word to my Muslim neighbor wasn’t exactly part of my plan. Hiba, a Muslim woman I hardly knew, was visiting our home. Were it not for Moriah, I probably would have waited at least a few more days before pulling out the Bible to read with her.
But God had other plans, which He was putting into action through the faith of my daughter.
Much to my surprise, as soon as Hiba saw Moriah hand me the Word in her own language, she asked me to read it to her.
After a couple of sentences, Hiba took the book from me and began reading it out loud for herself. She had never seen a Bible before. But for the next three hours, she sat reading through most of the book of Matthew.
Since then, Hiba and I have read more stories and passages from God’s Word.
This all began simply because our eager seven-year-old handed me the Bible in front of our neighbor.
I am so grateful for my children and how God is using their boldness and faith to expand His Kingdom here.
- Pray that third-culture kids like Moriah—children who are raised outside of their parents’ home culture—will be firmly established in the Word and bear much fruit for the Kingdom in the Muslim world.
- Ask that the Bible will reach into the hearts of men and women like Hiba.
- Pray that the Word will “not return to me empty,” but rather “accomplish that which I purpose” (Isaiah 55:11).
**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.**
Original article: FrontiersUSA.org/blog/article/faith-like-a-child