Brent and Alexis, Frontiers workers in North Africa, frequent the restaurant where Amir waits tables. On one visit, they discovered that Amir belongs to a minority people group who have experienced decades of linguistic and cultural oppression.
Amir and most people from this minority group know how to speak Arabic, but their first language—the language of their hearts—is one that is actively repressed by the government.
On one visit, Brent and Alexis noticed Amir limping around, obviously experiencing pain in his leg.
Brent offered to pray for him, right then and there. Amir agreed, so Brent prayed briefly. “In the name of Jesus, amen,” he prayed in closing.
“You just said, ‘In the name of Jesus’!” Amir said, his eyes wide. Then he whipped out his phone, opened an app, and showed it to the couple.
“Look,” he said, grinning. “I have the Bible in Arabic on my phone. I’m reading it from beginning to end. I love what it says about Jesus.” He shook the phone at them and added, “These words bring me more life than the words of the Quran!”
Brent encouraged him to keep reading and suggested they meet together to discuss what he was learning.
The next time Brent saw him, Amir told him, “I’ve decided to follow Jesus, but I don’t know how. I don’t know what that means here in this Muslim country. Will you help me?”
“Of course,” Brent said. “And here’s a good place for you to start.” Brent pulled out his phone and showed Amir a new app that had just released. It contained several books of the Bible and other resources in Amir’s heart language. The young believer was so excited he nearly cried.
Praise the Lord for drawing Amir to Jesus Christ and for brand-new resources to help him grow as a disciple!
Prayer Points
- Pray that God’s Word will take root and find good soil in Amir’s heart.
- Pray for Amir to look to Scripture for guidance on how to follow Jesus in his culture.
- Thank God for Kingdom workers investing in Bible translation and developing resources in heart languages.
**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.**
Original article: FrontiersUSA.org/blog/article/discovering-life-through-mobile-apps