On Resurrection Sunday, a Muslim-background single mother named Shamsia and her three sons were baptized into the body of Christ. What a joy for my teammates and me to witness this Easter baptism!
For some time, we’d been sowing the truth of the Gospel into Shamsia’s life. A couple of years ago, we started meeting with her and her sons to study the Bible together.
Then the Friday before Palm Sunday, they decided together to give their lives to Christ and to follow Him.
On Easter morning, we went to the seashore and stood with them on the sandy beach. We listened as they each declared their commitment to embrace salvation through Jesus Christ and pursue the path of righteousness.
Then we waded out into the water. My teammate Alicia baptized Shamsia first. Then Shamsia baptized each of her children.
We’re sharing in their delight as they grow in faith following their Easter baptism.
But even before that weekend, they had been facing persecution as they drew nearer to Christ.
Shamsia runs a small business out of her home. When neighbors heard that she and her sons were studying the Bible, everyone on their street decided to boycott their home.
Shamsia feels the stress of the lost income and not having much money for food. But in this test of faith, they have not stopped pursuing Christ.
Please pray for Shamsia and her sons to keep holding onto Jesus and shining as lights in their Muslim neighborhood.
- Praise God for drawing Shamsia and her sons into the Kingdom of His beloved Son, who forgives us our sins and redeems us (Colossians 1:13–14).
- Pray that Muslim-background believers will shine as lights in their communities so that others may see their good works and give glory to God (Matthew 5:16).
- Ask God to send more messengers of the Gospel to share the Word so that Muslims will hear and believe in Christ and have eternal life (John 5:24).
**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.**
Original article: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/family-baptized-easter