Recently, I met a Muslim man who drove an auto-rickshaw (think taxi driver for those who don’t live in a place with auto-rickshaws), as I needed to go from the train station to my home. We really only had a limited amount of time to “rub off” on each other. He asked me if I was a Christian and I gave my typical “I follow Jesus” response and he seemed happy. Then he said, “Tell me a story about Jesus.”
My question, for whomever has found themselves in one of these sorts of little moments, is to ask what you would say, or what story would you share? Bear in mind, you just met and have at the most about 15 minutes to connect with him, at least in this first meeting. Would you tell him a story from the bible, tell him a story from your life about how Jesus has impacted you, answer his question with a question, or even tell him to wait a minute while you pray?
With so many moments like this available to us in our day, and so many ways we could possibly respond, it dawned on me the importance of always being ready with a response. God is working constantly in everything around us, which means at any moment He could be pulling us into His plan. The only question is will you be ready?
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