I braced my laptop under my arm and strapped a motorcycle helmet two sizes too small on my head. Squeezing between the baggage stacked up to my head and the large driver taking up the seat in front of me, we took off on the small motorcycle—a tiny speck zipping […]
There’s Something Different
Leslie and I are teammates who live in the heart of a conservative Muslim community. Before we moved here, this district had the country’s largest concentration of Muslims with no Gospel messengers living among them. It took over a year to find a home in the community. As two single […]
Salum’s Bible
“Did you remember the Bible?” I asked my husband as our family squeezed into the car. “I promised Salum we would bring it to him.” “Yep,” my husband said, smiling as he started the car and handed me the Bible. We met Salum, a Muslim man, in our first year on […]
Start Your Adventure in Southeast Asia
Scattered across the islands of Southeast Asia are hundreds of millions of people with no knowledge of Jesus Christ. Dozens of unengaged Muslim people groups live on poor and remote islands that are difficult to access—and none of them have a single worker trying to reach them with the Gospel. […]
Are You Not of More Value?
The pigeon limped on its one good foot and struggled to eat a hard pizza crust from the street. I’m not in the habit of helping lame and hungry pigeons. But as my teammate Rick and I were out prayer walking, I stopped, broke up the crust, and began feeding […]
Why Sacrifice? A New Bible Reading Plan
The entire Gospel is built on the greatest sacrifice the world has ever seen: Jesus Christ, God’s own son, who gave Himself up so we could have eternal life. Out of gratitude for what Christ has done, we joyfully offer our praise, thanksgiving, and obedience to God. For indeed, we […]
When Girl Scout Cookies Expire
“A package arrived for you,” my teammate texted me. “It was sent three years ago!” That’s right. Three years. We couldn’t tell how long it had taken for the package to get from the U.S. to our country in North Africa. But it had clearly been forgotten in the recesses […]
Knitting with the Sheikh
Since 2004, I’ve been praying for and serving among Muslims. But I have never experienced such openness among them as I am seeing now. Life overseas is full of new and unlikely opportunities. For example, I recently hung out in a hair salon for five hours, and now I’m learning […]
Pray for the Rohingya
The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. (Psalm 9:9) Join us in praying for the Rohingya, a Muslim people group in Southeast Asia who are at the center of the world’s fastest-developing refugee emergency. The Rohingya are from Myanmar, a predominantly Buddhist country bordering India, Bangladesh, China, Laos, […]
Quiet Hana
Hana is a fairly new member of our English reading group. She speaks limited English and is intimidated by how well others speak. The first few weeks that she came, she hardly participated in the Bible study. We wondered if she even enjoyed being there. One week, I sat next to […]