When the Deaf Hear

Little Ziryan used to throw epic fits. He’s a 4-year-old Muslim boy living with his family in a refugee camp. Every week, my teammates and I meet with his family to discuss God’s Word. During our first few visits, Ziryan’s frequent tantrums involved kicking and screaming. He’d yell and shout, […]

Blessed Beyond Measure

During his 10 months as a student in the United States, Rasul was befriended by some kind believers. They invited him into their homes for the holidays and shared their faith with him. Hungry for the truth, Rasul joined a Bible study and attended church every week. When Rasul returned […]

Word by Word: Then the Goldfish Died

I have a love-hate relationship with language learning. I love learning. But I hate the not knowing. On many days, the amount of language I don’t know feels overwhelming and easily discouraging. But as I keep learning, there are encouraging moments and laughter with my language helper, Deena. I once […]

Verbal Jiujitsu and the Bible

I hopped into a taxi, my teeth chattering so loudly from the cold that the taxi driver, a kind old man, immediately turned on the heater. I thanked him and told him where I wanted to go. As he started driving, I asked him, “Do you know who Jesus is?” […]

Sowers and Reapers Rejoice

As a Frontiers crisis manager, I recently spent a week monitoring a team in an unstable country, helping them sort through their options in response to a particular threat. That same week, I also spoke with a team leader in North Africa. His team started as one of the original […]

Mozzarella and a Grocery Store Miracle

I stared at the gourmet cheese section in my American neighborhood supermarket and muttered a half-hearted grocery store prayer: “If only there were an Arab here I could ask.” A moment later, I saw her—a Muslim woman with a slight limp pushing her cart toward the produce. Her brown patterned […]

No Friends but the Mountains: Pray for the Kurds

With a population of around 30 million, the Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without a nation. They live in a rugged region stretching across Turkey, the Middle East, and Iran. Most Kurds are Muslim. But a growing number of Kurdish Muslim-background believers can be found throughout […]

Muslim Atheist Pursued by God

“I have some questions about Christianity,” my Muslim atheist friend Bader said to me. “Can I talk about them with you?” He told me how he felt tired of the spiritual hypocrisy all around him. “So many things in my religion aren’t true,” he said. “So years ago, I gave […]

In Cities of a Million or More

Alex and Donna Wright felt called to go and share Jesus with those who have the least access to the Gospel. So they moved their family to an Indian city that has more than one million Muslims. Several different communities of unengaged Muslim people groups are within walking distance of […]

The Threat of Barrenness

A field worker named Maria and I recently visited a Muslim family. The man of the household has two wives—a practice that isn’t uncommon in the local culture. One of the wives is a new mother of twins. The other wife, Sajida, has no children. Maria and I couldn’t tell […]