Are You Qualified to be an Overseas Worker?

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I grew up in Guatemala. I’m fluent in Spanish. I have a solid understanding of Latin American culture and history. So when God called us to be workers in Peru I felt ready. Strange thing is, the ministry we were called to was primarily in English. My first few weeks in Peru I met a wonderful British pastor. He had just spent a year struggling to learn Spanish. He was going to start a church in Peru.

After a year of intense study his Spanish was at about a first-grade level. I translated a time or two for him when the challenge of preparing a message in Spanish just seemed too much. At one point, he commented, “This seems very inefficient. You are fluent in Spanish ministering in English. I am trying to start a Spanish church and just can’t get this language!”

Here’s something I’ve learned: God is not practical. Common sense would have me and my British friend trade places. It makes more sense. But that’s not what God called us to. I wonder if we over-spiritualize the call to missions too often. We think you have to be a certain type of person to be a worker. You have to have some special training or an ear for language or a degree in theology.

I’m convinced that missions is simply doing what we should all be doing anyway, in another country. I don’t think you’d question your call to be a witness of Christ in your home country. So who’s to say you can’t do that same thing in another country? Sure, you may have to learn a language. It may take you a while. And honestly, there’s a good chance you won’t be that effective. But that’s ok. God doesn’t seem too concerned about the impracticality of those things.

He’s more concerned about obedience. Missions comes down to obedience. You are qualified to be a worker the moment you choose to obey the call God placed on your life.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

By Joël Malm

Joël Malm is an author, speaker and life coach who leads outdoor expeditions around the world through his organization Summit Leaders. He has extensive experience abroad with missions and international humanitarian work.  



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