Ahlan, a woman in her sixties, had never met a follower of Christ or read the Bible.
But she’d seen Jesus in dreams.
When she was nine years old, Ahlan’s mother died. In the midst of her grief, Ahlan had a dream of a Man in white who told her, “I will always be with you.” She woke up full of peace. Comforted by the Man’s promise, Ahlan believed His words.
In her twenties, Ahlan got an infection that turned her entire arm black. The doctors told her it needed to be amputated. The night before the amputation, she had another dream about the same Man in white. He touched her arm, and all the damage in her arm went away. When she woke up, the blackness was gone. Her arm was saved.
As the years passed, Ahlan realized that the Man in white was Jesus. She started telling people that she was a follower of Christ and shared how He had healed her and promised to be with her forever. But she had never found a Bible or met any other person who believed in Jesus.
Decades later, she saw a Facebook ad that asked, “Have you ever dreamed about a man in white robes?”
Realizing this was her chance to finally meet others who followed Christ, Ahlan clicked the ad and sent a message to the Facebook page. That’s how she got in touch with Karen, a Frontiers worker. And now, five decades since first beginning to trust Jesus, Ahlan is reading the Bible for the first time.
In the least-reached countries in the world, social media is helping produce a growing harvest of faith. Through Facebook and other platforms, Frontiers teams like Karen’s are broadcasting spiritually engaging ads that reach millions—and finding men and women who are hungry for the Gospel.
- Praise God for drawing Ahlan to Jesus and sustaining her faith in spite of never meeting a believer or having access to the Bible.
- Pray for Frontiers teams as they reach Muslims through social media.
- Ask God to intrigue the hearts and minds of Muslims as they see ads about Jesus Christ.
**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.**
Original article: https://frontiersusa.org/blog/a-50-year-solo-journey/