Working Out With Refugees

Last year, our team started a fitness class for Syrian women in a Middle Eastern refugee camp. It meets several times a week, with over fifty women in every class.

With no fans or air conditioning in our meeting space, it can get hot. But the women are so dedicated to the class that they come even when it’s over one hundred degrees.

Over the months that they’ve taken part in the class, we’ve seen the women come alive. It’s been a joy to see how many of them are experiencing healing from trauma.

For example, one woman said she hadn’t felt joy since the loss of her newborn child last year. Since joining the fitness class, her hope and joy are returning.

After we’d been leading the fitness class for several months, the women realized that they could help make an even greater impact in the community. They didn’t want to stay on the receiving end of our program. They wanted to give back and bless others.

That’s when we started training a handful of the women to lead their own classes. And what they’ve given back to their community has exceeded our expectations.

One woman started a fitness class for teenage girls. Others take turns leading some of the weekly classes.

These ladies are growing in confidence as they are equipped with new skills. When they step up to lead, they flash confident smiles and fill the room with enthusiasm.

More importantly, they are discovering the One who is the source of joy and hope.

We recently invited our trainees to discover Jesus through God’s Word. We’ve been meeting together every week to hear from the Gospels and encourage one another to live out Jesus’ commands.

This is the first time many of them have heard the truth about Jesus Christ. They love what they are learning and are becoming a community that prays together, supports one another, and cares for others.

May they find new life in Christ and grow into faithful disciples who invite others to follow Him!

  • Pray for continued revelation of Jesus Christ in the hearts and minds of Syrian women as they hear the Word.
  • Ask God to give them a passion to share the Gospel with family members and friends.
  • Pray for more Frontiers teams to help bring the hope of Jesus Christ to Syrian refugees.

**This account comes from a long-term worker.**

Main photo by UN Women

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