Tell Me What You Know

“You’re a devout Muslim,” Usman said to the young man wearing the clothes of an Islamic teacher. They were the only two passengers in the train compartment. “So, tell me what you know about Jesus.”

Talib, the young teacher, replied, “Jesus is mentioned in the Quran and honored among us. He did a number of miracles. But Muhammad is the final prophet.”

“Jesus is mentioned in the Quran,” Usman replied. “But there is so much more written about Him in the Holy Books. Did you know that through Jesus, the forgiveness of sins is possible?”

“How do you know these things?” Talib asked. “Are you a follower of Jesus?”

Usman thought back to when he first started following Jesus.

It happened several years ago when he met Jeff, a Frontiers worker, and Damir, a young Muslim-born believer. Usman invited them into his home for tea, and Jeff and Damir shared the message of Jesus Christ with him. Before the two men left, they gave him a Bible and agreed to come visit him again.

Afterwards, the neighbors pestered Usman about his visitors.

“Why did you welcome them?” they asked. “You know they speak lies about religion, right?”

But Usman ignored them. He believed that what Jeff and Damir had shared was true. So Usman started reading God’s Word, and he met often with Jeff and Damir.

Two years later, Usman became a follower of Jesus. He began sharing the Gospel with others. With Jeff and Damir’s coaching, Usman grew in confidence and boldness as he introduced Muslims to Christ.

Talib’s voice interrupted Usman’s thoughts. “Are you a follower of Jesus?” Talib repeated.

Usman spoke gently. “You are a religious man, praying five times a day. I’m sure you also fast, give alms, and read the Quran, right?” Talib nodded.

“But, my friend,” Usman continued, “if you were to die today, do you know if God would accept you into heaven?” His question hung in the uncomfortable silence.

“I do not trust in my own works to save me,” Usman said. “I trust in the righteous sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. Because of Christ, I know that I will be accepted by God.”

Then he smiled broadly at Talib and said, “In answer to your question: Yes, I am a follower of Jesus, and I want you know His peace and joy as well!”

Talib smiled back and replied, “Thank you, my brother. I will certainly think on these things.”

  • Pray that Talib will continue encountering the truth of Jesus Christ.
  • Ask the Lord to bless believers like Jeff, Damir, and Usman with increasing boldness to share the Gospel.
  • Pray for God to capture the hearts of Muslim religious leaders and bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.**

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