How We Serve Refugees in the Middle East

Churches and governments in the west have played critical roles in helping welcome and relocate Syrian refugees.

But the majority of these refugees have remained in neighboring countries in the Middle East. Governments in the region continue to face severe challenges in responding to the needs of millions of displaced Syrians.

Frontiers teams in the Middle East have an unprecedented opportunity to serve in the humanitarian crisis and minister to refugees. Amid the fear, turmoil, and uncertainty that marks the lives of those who have fled their homelands, Frontiers workers are discovering that many Muslims are more receptive to the Gospel than ever before.

In the following paragraphs, a field worker describes the ways his team is helping serve Syrian refugees.

Scripture-based trauma healing

This week we started our third Bible-based trauma healing course. Participants encountered God’s Word and learned about Jesus’ healing. They also discovered God’s desire to heal their hearts and minds and to restore their relationships. Several refugees expressed interest in reading Scripture to learn more about God’s healing. This is such an answer to our prayer—that once people taste God’s Word and experience His healing, they would hunger for more!

  • Ask God to heal, restore, and draw many refugees to Himself.

Medical service

We recently hosted a medical team from the west who served over 700 displaced Syrians in three different locations in just six days.

Many of those who were served invited members of the medical team to visit them in their homes. In one home, team members listened as the father told how he, his wife, and seven children fled Syria. Our team was able to pray for the family and shared testimonies of how Jesus Christ has worked in their lives.

  • Pray that their words leave a lasting impact in the hearts of Syrians.

We have several programs running in the locations where the medical team served. The programs are staffed by believers and include women’s fitness classes, food distribution, health education, English classes, and more.

  • Pray for sweet interactions with Christians that point them to Jesus Christ.

Mobility Project

Our friend Fadil is a Muslim-background believer and refugee. He noticed the great numbers of disabled people living in his refugee camp and felt compelled to do something about it.

We helped him organize a special tour of the camp with doctors to assess what could be done to increase mobility for disabled refugees. Several of them received a mobility aid such as a wheelchair, cane, crutches, or another simple device we had custom-built for them. The families thanked Fadil and the doctors for taking the time to give each person exactly what was needed to increase mobility.

One of the doctors also encouraged the patients with his own personal story of how his own disabled child is living a full, happy life.

“You are valuable and not alone,” the doctor told them. “God sees you and loves you!”

  • Pray that Fadil would have opportunities to share the Gospel with each patient as he follows up with them.


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**This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.**

Main photo by Dominic Chavez/World Bank

Original article:

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